FEATURED ARTIST: Sandra Brewster in PREFIX Winter 2017/2018 Edition
Without doubt Sandra Brewster is one of the Canadian artists I keep my eye on the most. We met as a result of a purchase I made of her work many years back. From that time on I have watched her career develop. Sandra has evolved to become an important Canadian artist. She has an extensive CV that includes international residencies and exhibitions. Her work considers the “notions of identity, representation and memory” (read more) often working in biographical elements of her Guyanese heritage.
I am thrilled to see an in-depth critical exploration of her work featured in PREFIX Magazine’s Winter 2017/2018 edition. The essay, Practicing Refusal, written by curator Julie Crooks, focuses on the work Sandra created for her 2017 solo show It’s all a blur at Toronto’s Georgia Sherman Gallery but not at the expensive of considering her entire oeuvre of work.
Throughout her career, Sandra Brewster’s quest has been not only to disrupt fixed notions of blackness and what it means to be black in Canada’s diasporic communities, but also to insert her peers, family members and larger community into this quest. At the core of her practice are acts of refusal. (from Practicing Refusal by Julie Crooks)
Sandra’s work is also currently being exhibited at PREFIX in Movers and Shakers curated by Betty Julian and at the Royal Ontario Museum (ROM) as part of the Here We Are Here: Black Canadian Contemporary exhibition co-curated by Silvia Forni (ROM), Julie Crooks (AGO) and Dominique Fontaine (independent.
View more of Sandra’s portfolio at www.sandrabrewster.com.

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