
You are currently browsing posts written by thelproject.

FEATURED MAGAZINE: @InuitArtFdn Inuit Art Quarterly “Exchange: Points of Contact” issue

The internet is helping to improve the quality of life in Inuit Nunangat. It connects individuals across northern communities as well as those in the South and is increasingly helpful to the growth of local businesses and entrepreneurship. This is partially achieved through ...

#SOBEYARTAWARD: @PrixSobeyAward announces #KapwaniKiwanga 2018 winner @NatGalleryCan Ottawa

Congratulations to Kapwani Kiwanga, the 2018 winner of the Sobey Art Award held at the National Gallery of Canada (NGC) this year. Also present were all of the artists who were short-listed – Jeneen Frei Njootli, Joi T. Arcand, Jordan Bennett and Jon Rafman – as ...

PRESENTATION: Speaking in Berlin on commemoration, difficult histories and the work of contemporary Indigenous artists

Recently I arrived back from a research trip in Berlin and Warsaw, part of a cultural exchange course between PhD students from the Technical University in Berlin and Masters and PhD students in Ottawa at Carleton University. While in Canada, the students from Germany, many ...

A JOURNEY: Fossils, Rocks, and Sense of Place

The month of October was spent travelling to significant sites of memory, locations where the movement of time and what we call history is in various ways marked in stone. The journey started at Manitoulin Island on a last minute road trip with Barry Ace. Barry is working on ...
